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第一章 总 则
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国统计法》(以下简称《统计法》)的规定,制定本实施细则。
第二条 《统计法》所指的统计,是国民经济和社会发展情况的统计。其主要内容包括:人口和劳动力统计;国民财富统计;农、林、牧、渔、水利业统计;工业统计;地质普查和勘探业统计;建筑业统计;交通运输、邮电通讯业统计;商业、公共饮食业、物资供销和仓储业统计;房
第三条 国家机关、社会团体、企业事业组织和城乡各种个体经营户以及各种联合经济组织,在中国境内的外资、中外合资和中外合作经营的企业事业组织,港澳和台湾同胞、华侨在中国境内举办的独资、合资或合作经营的企业事业组织,我国在港澳地区及国外举办的独资、合资或者
第四条 国家有计划地用现代信息技术装备各级人民政府统计机构,建立健全国家统计信息自动化系统。国务院各主管部门根据工作需要,有计划地用现代信息技术装备本部门及其管辖系统的统计机构。
第五条 各级统计机构和统计人员必须建立统计工作责任制,建立考核制度和奖惩制度,不断提高工作质量和工作效率。同时,依法独立行使以下职权:一、统计调查权——调查、搜集有关资料,召开有关调查会议,检查与统计资料有关的各种原始记录和凭证。被调查单位、人员必须
第六条 地方各级人民政府、各主管部门、各企业事业组织,应当根据国家统计任务和本地方、本部门、本单位的需要,加强对统计工作的领导和监督:一、领导和支持统计机构、统计人员和其他有关人员执行统计法规和统计制度,准确、及时地完成统计工作任务,加强统计工作现代
第七条 国家统计局和县级以上地方人民政府统计机构是国家贯彻并监督执行统计法规的机关,负责检查统计法规的实施,维护统计机构和统计人员的合法职权,同违反统计法规的行为作斗争。

第二章 统计调查计划和统计制度
第八条 县级以上人民政府统计机构和主管部门按以下三类情况分别建立统计制度,制订统计调查计划,按规定经审查机关批准后贯彻实施。一、国家统计调查,是指全国性基本情况的统计调查,包括由国家统计局单独拟订的和由国家统计局与国务院有关部门共同拟订的调查项目。国
第九条 部门统计调查和地方统计调查不得与国家统计调查相重复、矛盾。国家统计调查与部门统计调查、地方统计调查的分工,由国家统计局同国务院各主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府统计局具体商定。
第十条 各级人民政府的综合协调部门所需的统计资料,一般应当从同级人民政府统计机构和主管部门搜集;如果确实需要直接进行统计调查时,应当作出统计调查计划和调查方案,依照《统计法》和本实施细则规定,经审批后实施。
第十一条 统计调查计划按统计调查项目编制。统计调查项目,是指某一时期为某一调查目的而组织的一项统计调查。每一调查项目的计划必须列明:项目名称、调查机关、调查目的、调查范围、调查对象、调查方式、调查时间、调查的主要内容。制定统计调查计划,必须同时制定每
第十二条 各级人民政府统计机构、各主管部门统计机构对送审的统计调查计划及其调查方案的必要性、可行性、科学性进行严格审查,不符合本实施细则规定的,应当退回修改或者不予批准。在制订和审查统计调查方案时,应当贯彻以下原则:一、在已经批准实施的各种统计调查中
第十三条 按规定程序批准的统计调查方案,必须在调查表的右上角标明制表机关名称、表号、批准或者备案机关名称及其批准文号。被调查的单位、人员,应当准确、及时、无偿地按调查方案填报。未标明上述字样的统计调查表(包括以搜集统计数字为主的调查提纲)是非法报表,
第十四条 统计调查方案所规定的指标涵义、调查范围、计算方法、分类目录、调查表式、统计编码等,未经制定该统计调查方案的机关同意,任何单位和个人,不得修改。

第三章 统计资料的管理和公布
第十五条 各地方、各部门、各单位应当健全统计资料的审核制度,保障统计资料的准确性和及时性。各部门、各企业事业组织提供的统计资料,由本部门、本单位领导人或者统计负责人审核、签署或者盖章后上报。有关财务统计资料由财务会计机构或者会计人员负责提供,并经财务
第十六条 各级领导机关制定政策、计划,检查政策、计划执行情况,考核经济效益、社会效益和工作成绩,进行奖励和惩罚等如需要使用统计资料时,必须依照《统计法》第十二条规定,以各该统计机构或者统计负责人签署或盖章的统计资料为准。
第十七条 各级人民政府统计机构必须做好统计信息咨询服务工作,充分利用可以公开的社会经济信息为社会公众服务。符合国家有关规定,在《统计法》和统计制度规定之外提供的统计信息咨询,实行有偿服务,具体办法由国家统计局会同国家物价局制定。
第十八条 各地方、各部门、各单位必须贯彻执行国家统计局制定的《统计资料保密管理办法》,加强统计资料的统一管理。
第十九条 各地方、各部门、各单位必须建立统计资料档案制度,按照国家档案局有关规定妥善保管、调用和移交。

第四章 统计机构和统计人员
第二十条 国家统计局的职责是:一、依照国家法律、政策和计划,制定统计工作的规章,制订统计工作现代化规划和国家统计调查计划,组织领导和协调全国统计工作,检查监督统计法规的实施;二、健全国民经济核算制度和统计指标体系,制定全国统一的基本统计报表制度;制定

第二十一条 县级(含县和市辖区)以上的地方各级人民政府统计机构的职责是:一、完成国家统计调查任务,执行国家统计标准,贯彻全国统一的基本统计报表制度;二、制订本地区的统计工作现代化规划和地方统计调查计划及其调查方案,统一领导和协调本地区内包括中央和地方
第二十二条 乡、镇统计员执行乡、镇综合统计的职能,其职责是:一、完成国家统计调查和地方统计调查任务,执行国家统计标准,贯彻全国统一的基本统计报表制度,贯彻并检查监督统计法规的实施;二、按照规定,搜集、整理、分析、提供和管理本乡、镇的基本统计资料;三、
第二十三条 各级人民政府主管部门的统计机构或统计负责人执行本部门综合统计的职能,其职责是:一、组织指导、综合协调本部门各职能机构(包括生产、供销、基建、劳动人事、财务会计等机构)的统计工作,并共同完成国家统计调查、部门统计调查和地方统计调查任务,贯彻
第二十四条 各级人民政府统计机构和各主管部门根据工作任务的需要,可以在不突破编制的原则下设置统计检查机构或者统计检查员。统计检查机构和统计检查员的职责是:一、定期深入检查统计法规和统计制度的实施情况,揭发、检举或者处理违反统计法规的行为;二、对违反统
第二十五条 企业事业组织的统计机构或者统计负责人执行本单位综合统计的职能,其职责是:一、组织指导、综合协调本单位各职能机构和下属机构的统计工作,并共同完成国家统计调查、部门统计调查和地方统计调查任务,制定、实施本单位的统计工作计划和统计制度,贯彻并检
第二十六条 统计负责人,是指代表本部门或者本单位履行《统计法》规定职责的行政责任人员。不设统计机构的,一般应由具备相当统计专业职务条件的人员担任统计负责人。
第二十七条 各地方、各部门、各企业事业组织,应当根据国家规定和工作需要设置统计专业职务。
第二十八条 具有统计专业职务的人员的调动,应当分别征求本地区、本部门、本单位统计机构或者统计负责人的意见。对其中具有中级以上专业职务的人员的调动应当征得上级统计机构同意。地方各级人民政府统计机构主要负责人的调动,应当征得上一级人民政府统计机构的同意。

第二十九条 各级统计机构新增加和补充的统计人员一般应当在大学本科、专科和中专毕业生中选调;如需从高中毕业生中招收,应当经过考试,择优录用。现有专业统计人员不具备统计专业知识的,由主管的统计机构组织培训,进行考试或者考核,并将结果报人事部门;对不合格者

第五章 奖励与惩罚
第三十条 各级人民政府统计机构、各主管部门、各企业事业组织,应当依照国家或者企业事业组织的规定,对有下列表现之一的统计人员或者集体,定期评比,给予奖励:一、在改革和完善统计制度、统计方法等方面,有重要贡献的;二、在完成规定的统计调查任务,保障统计资料
第三十一条 凡有下列行为之一、情节较重但尚未构成犯罪的,应当分别情况由主管机关对有关领导人或者直接责任人员,给予行政处分:一、虚报、瞒报统计资料的;二、伪造、篡改统计资料的;三、拒报或者屡次迟报统计资料的;四、侵犯统计机构、统计人员行使《统计法》及本
第三十二条 当事人对违反本实施细则第三十一条所受行政处分不服的,可向上级机关提出申诉。
第三十三条 对违反《统计法》构成犯罪的人员,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第六章 附 则
第三十四条 本实施细则由国家统计局负责解释。
第三十五条 本实施细则自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(Approved by the State Council on January 19, 1987, promulgated by
the State Statistical Bureau on February 15, 1987)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1
These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the
Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to
as the Statistics Law).
Article 2
The term statistics as used in the Statistics Law refers to the statistics
of national economic and social development. It mainly includes:
statistics of population and labour force; statistics of national wealth;
statistics of farming; forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and water
conservancy; statistics of industry; statistics of building industry;
statistics of communications and transportation and post and
telecommunications; statistics of commerce, catering trade, supply and
marketing of materials and storage; statistics of real estate
administration, public utilities, neighborhood services and consultation
services; statistics of public health, physical culture and social
welfare; statistics of education, culture and arts, broadcast, films and
television; statistics of scientific studies and comprehensive technical
services; statistics of banking and insurance; statistics of finance and
financial affairs; statistics of prices; statistics of comprehensive
balance of national economy; statistics of fixed assets investment;
statistics of people's life; statistics of politics, law and civil
administration, etc..
Article 3
Statistical data must be provided in accordance with the provisions of the
Statistics Law and these Rules by all the state organs, social
organizations, enterprises and institutions, various self-employed
business operators and all types of economic partnerships in urban and
rural areas; enterprises and institutions with exclusive foreign capital,
or in form of Chinese foreign equity joint ventures or contractual joint
ventures established in China; enterprises and institutions solely owned,
jointly owned or cooperatively operated by the compatriots from Hong Kong,
Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese in China; as well as enterprises and
institutions solely owned, jointly owned or cooperatively operated by
China in Hong Kong, Macao and in foreign countries. They may not make
false and deceptive reports, or refuse to make reports, or delay the
reports. No forgery or illegal alterations of reports shall be allowed.
Self-governing mass organizations at the grass-roots level and citizens
shall have the obligation to provide accurate information needed in state
statistical investigation.
Article 4
The state shall, in a planned way, equip statistical agencies under the
people's governments at various levels with modern information technology
and set up and perfect the state automatic system for statistical
information. The various competent departments in the State Council may,
according to their needs, equip in a planned way the statistical agencies
at the departments and their affiliated organizations with modern
information technology.

Article 5
Statistical agencies at various levels and statistical personnel must
establish responsibility systems as well as systems for checks, awards and
penalties for their staff so as to improve their work and raise efficiency
constantly. At the same time, they shall exercise the following functions
and powers independently according to law:
(1) the power of statistical survey - investigating and collecting
relevant information, holding relevant investigation meetings, checking
all kinds of original records and evidence concerning statistical data.
The units and personnel to be investigated must provide true information
and data and may not refuse to make reports, or make false or deceptive
(2) the power to make statistical reports - sorting out and analysing the
information and data obtained from statistical investigations and
submitting statistical reports to leading organs at higher levels and
relevant departments. No units and individuals shall obstruct or withhold
the statistical reports nor tamper with statistical data;
(3) the power of statistical supervision - according to statistical
investigation and statistical analysis, conducting statistical supervision
of the national economic and social development, checking the
implementation of national policies and plans, assessing economic results,
social effect and achievements, examining and exposing existing problems,
examining practices of making false and deceptive statistical reports and
submitting proposals for the improvement of work. Departments concerned
shall promptly deal with and reply to the problems reported or exposed and
the proposals made by statistical agencies and personnel.
Article 6
Local people's governments, at various levels, competent departments and
enterprises and institutions shall, according to the state statistical
tasks and the needs of their respective localities, departments and units,
strengthen the leadership and supervision over statistical work:
(1) leading and supporting statistical agencies and personnel and other
relevant personnel in implementing statistical laws, regulations and
systems, completing accurately and timely statistical tasks and promoting
modernization of statistical work;
(2) drawing and organizing statistical personnel into meetings to discuss
relevant policies and plans and study questions concerning economic and
social development so that statistics may play a role of service and
(3) organizing implementation of major general investigations of national
conditions and national strength according to the State's unified plan;
(4) examining and approving plans of statistical investigation according
to relevant provisions and providing the personnel and funds needed for
the approved statistical investigations.

Article 7
The State Statistical Bureau and statistical agencies under the local
people's governments at or above the county level shall be the state
organs to execute statistical laws and regulations and supervise their
implementation. It shall be their responsibility to check the
implementation of statistical laws and regulations, uphold the lawful
powers and rights of statistical agencies and personnel and fight against
violations of statistical laws and regulations.

Chapter II Statistical Investigation Plans and Statistical Systems

Article 8
Statistical agencies and competent departments under the people's
governments at or above the county level shall establish separate
statistical systems and draw up separate statistical investigation plans
at the following three levels and shall implement the systems and plans
after they have been approved by examination organs according to relevant
(1) National statistical investigation. It shall be a nation-wide
statistical investigation of the basic conditions in the country, covering
such items for investigation as solely worked out by the State Statistical
Bureau and those jointly worked out by the State Statistical Bureau and
relevant departments under the State Council. New and important items for
investigation in national statistical investigation plans shall be
reported to the State Council for examination and approval by the State
Statistical Bureau. Regular and general items for investigation shall be
examined and approved by the State Statistical Bureau as authorized by the
State Council. All localities, departments and units must strictly
implement national statistical investigation plans.
The State generally carries out a major general investigation of national
conditions and national strength (population, industries, agriculture,
building industry, service trades, etc.) every ten years. A simplified
investigation of population shall be conducted between two major general
(2) Departmental statistical investigation. It shall be a specialized
statistical investigation conducted by various departments. The plans and
programs of departmental statistical investigation shall be worked out by
various specialized institutions concerned under statistical agencies in
the pertinent departments. If the objects of investigation are within
their own systems of jurisdiction, the plans and programs shall be
examined and approved by the leaders of these departments and reported to
the State Statistical Bureau or the statistical agencies in the local
people's governments at the same level for the record. If the objects of
investigation are outside the departmental system of jurisdiction, the
plans and programs shall be reported to the State Statistical Bureau or
the statistical agencies in the local people's governments at the same
level for examination and approval. Important plans and programs shall be
reported to the State Council or the local people's governments at the
same level for examination and approval. The division of jurisdiction for
statistical investigation among various departments shall be worked out by
the State Statistical Bureau in consultation with the competent
departments under the State Council and reported to the State Council for
approval and implementation.
(3) Local statistical investigation. It shall be the statistical
investigation needed by local people's governments. The procedures for
reporting and approval of local statistical investigation plans and
programs shall be stipulated by the statistical bureaux under the people's
governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government and reported to the State
Statistical Bureau for the record.

Article 9
Departmental and local statistical investigations may not overlap or
contradict national statistical investigation.
The division of work among national statistical investigation,
departmental statistical investigation and local statistical investigation
shall be decided by the State Statistical Bureau after consultation with
the competent departments under the State Council and the statistical
bureaux under the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
Article 10
The statistical data needed by the departments for comprehensive
coordination under the people's governments at various levels shall
generally be obtained from the statistical agencies and the relevant
competent departments under the people's governments at the same level.
When necessity arises for direct statistical investigation, plans and
programs shall be worked out and implemented after being examined and
approved in accordance with the provisions of the Statistical Law and
these Rules.
Article 11
Statistical investigation plans shall be worked out on the basis of
projects of statistical investigation. A project of statistical
investigation refers to a statistical investigation organized in a
specified time period for a certain investigation objective. The plan of
each investigation project shall specify the following: name of project,
organ to conduct the investigation, objective, scope, object(s), manner,
duration, and main content of investigation. Investigation programs of
statistical investigation projects shall be worked out simultaneously with
the statistical investigation plan. An investigation program shall
(1) investigation forms to be filled out by objects of investigation and
written directions;
(2) overall statistical forms to be filled out and reported to the
leadership and written directions;
(3) the personnel and funds needed for statistical investigations and the
sources thereof.

Article 12
The statistical agencies under the people's governments at various levels
and those in the various competent departments shall strictly examine the
statistical investigation plans and their investigation programs sent in
for examination as to their necessity, feasibility and scientific
reliability. Those which do not conform to the provisions of these Rules
shall be returned for alterations or rejected. In drafting and examining
statistical investigation programs, the following principles shall be
adhered to:
(1) if the relevant data can be obtained from the statistical
investigations which have been approved or conducted, no such
investigations shall be repeated;
(2) comprehensive statistical investigation forms shall not be printed and
issued if the objectives can be achieved through sample, key and typical
case investigations or administrative registration. Regular statistics
shall not be conducted if a single investigation can satisfy the needs. If
yearly statistics suffices the needs, no quarterly statistics shall be
conducted; quarterly one suffices, no monthly one shall be done. Progress
statistics more frequent than monthly one must be strictly restrained;
(3) before a new statistical investigation program is made public, tests
shall be conducted at selected places, or the opinions of the relevant
localities, departments and grassroots units be heard, and feasibility
study be made, so as to ensure that the program is practicable and the
best possible investigation result receives due attention;
(4) the personnel and funds needed for the statistical investigations
shall be ensured.

Article 13
For a statistical investigation program that has been approved according
to the prescribed procedures, the designation of the organ which has
devised the investigation form, serial number of the form, the designation
of the organ to which the program has been sent for approval or for the
record and the serial number of approval shall all be indicated in the
upper right-hand corner of the investigation form. The units and
individuals to be investigated shall fill out the forms accurately,
promptly and gratuitously.
Statistical investigation forms (including investigation outlines with
collecting statistical data as the main objective without the above-
mentioned indicators shall be illegal forms, which all units and
individuals have the right to refuse to fill out and which the statistical
agencies under the people's governments at various levels are empowered to
Article 14
Without consent of the organ which has drawn up the statistical
investigation program, no unit or individual shall revise the index
implications, scope of investigation, methods of calculation, classified
table of contents, format of the form, statistical codes, etc. as
prescribed in the statistical investigation program.

Chapter III Administration and Announcement of Statistical Data

Article 15
All localities, departments and units shall amplify the system of
examination and verification of statistical data and guarantee the
accuracy and promptness of statistical data.
The statistical data provided by various departments, enterprises and
institutions shall be examined, verified, signed or sealed by the leaders
of the respective departments and units or the persons responsible for
statistics before they are sent to the higher leadership. Data concerning
financial statistics shall be provided by financial organs or financial
personnel and shall be examined, verified and sealed by persons in charge
of financial departments. The statistical data provided by the statistical
agencies under the people's governments at various levels and by the
statisticians in townships and towns shall be examined, verified, signed
or sealed by the leading personnel in the statistical agencies under the
people's governments or by statisticians in townships and towns before
they are sent to the higher levels.
Leaders of various localities, departments and units shall not make
alterations in the statistical data provided by statistical agencies and
personnel according to the Statistics Law or statistical system. If they
consider the relevant data untrue, they shall order the statistical
agencies and personnel and other relevant personnel to verify and correct
them. If the deadline for data reporting has come, the data may be
reported first with due notations. If mistakes are really found after
verification, corrections shall be made without the time limit set by the
Article 16
If statistical data are needed in formulating policies and plans, checking
the implementation of policies and plans, assessing economic and social
results and performance, and meting out awards and penalties, etc.,
leading organs at various levels shall, in accordance with the provisions
in Article 12 of the Statistics Law, take as solely credible the
statistical data bearing the signatures or seals of the statistical
agencies or persons in charge of statistics.
Article 17
The statistical agencies under the people's governments at various levels
must provide good consultancy services in statistical information and
serve the community by making full use of all social and economic
information that can be made known to the public. Consultancy services in
statistical information not controlled by the Statistics Law and
statistical systems but provided in conformity with the relevant
provisions of the State shall be non-gratuitous. The measures for such
non-gratuitous services shall be formulated by the State Statistical
Bureau in conjunction with the State Administration for Commodity Prices.

Article 18
All localities, departments and units must implement the Measures
Concerning Security and Administration of Statistical Data formulated by
the State Statistical Bureau so as to strengthen unified administration of
statistical data.
Article 19
All localities, departments and units must establish systems of
statistical data files and these files shall be properly kept, transferred
and turned over in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State
Archives Bureau.

Chapter IV Statistical Agencies and Statistical Personnel

Article 20
The function and responsibilities of the State Statistical Bureau shall be
as follows:
(1) formulating regulations concerning statistical work, drafting programs
to update statistical work, drawing up State statistical investigation
plans, leading and coordinating national statistical work and checking and
supervising the implementation of statistical laws and regulations
according to the State laws, policies and plans;
(2) amplifying accounting systems of national economy and systems of
statistical indexes, formulating the system of nationally unified forms
for basic data reporting, formulating solely or jointly with relevant
departments national statistical standards and examining and approving
departmental statistical standards;
(3) under the unified leadership of the State Council, organizing jointly
with relevant departments major general investigations of the national
conditions and national strength, organizing and coordinating sample
investigations of social and economic conditions in urban and rural areas
throughout the country;
(4) in accordance with the needs of the State in deciding policies,
formulating plans and carrying out administration, collecting, sorting out
and providing basic statistical data of the nation and conducting
statistical analysis, forecast and supervision of the national economic
and social development;
(5) examining the statistical investigation plans and their investigation
programs of the various departments under the State Council and exercising
control over the investigation forms issued by the various departments
under the State Council;
(6) checking, examining and approving, controlling, announcing and
publishing nationwide basic statistical data and regularly issuing
statistical bulletins concerning the national economic and social
(7) leading and controlling the groups responsible for sample
investigations of the social and economic conditions in the urban and
rural areas throughout the country;
(8) organizing and directing nationwide statistical scientific studies,
statistical education, the training of statistical personnel and the
publication of statistical books and periodicals;
(9) conducting international exchanges in statistical work and statistical

Article 21
The functions and responsibilities of the statistical agencies under the
local people's governments at or above the county level (including
municipal districts) shall be:
(1) accomplishing tasks of national statistical investigations, applying
national statistical standards and implementing the system of nationally
unified forms for basic statistical reporting;
(2) drafting plans to update local statistical work, working out
statistical investigation plans and the investigation programs, leading
and coordinating the statistical work conducted by the central and local
units in the localities and checking and supervising the implementation of
statistics laws and regulations;
(3) collecting, sorting out, and providing basic statistical data and
conducting statistical analysis, forecast and supervision of the essential
conditions of the economic and social development in their respective
localities in accordance with the needs of these localities in policy
formulation, plan drafting and administration;
(4) examining the statistical investigation plans and investigation
programs of the various departments in their respective localities and
exercising control over the investigation forms devised and issued by the
various departments in these localities;
(5) checking, examining and approving, controlling, announcing and
publishing the basic statistical data of their own localities according to
relevant stipulations. The statistical bureaux under the people's
governments in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government shall regularly publish statistical
bulletins pertaining to the national economic and social development in
their respective localities. The statistical agencies under the people's
governments of municipalities and counties shall publish statistical
bulletins according to the decisions of the people's governments at the
same level;
(6) exercising unified control over the groups responsible for sample
investigations of the social and economic conditions in the urban and
rural areas in the localities;
(7) organizing and directing all the departments and units in the
localities in strengthening their foundational statistical work,
intensifying statistical education, the training of statistical cadres and
statistical scientific studies, assessing the performance of the cadres of
the statistical agencies under the governments and the statisticians in
the townships and towns in their respective localities and meting out
awards and penalties.
The statistical agencies under the local people's governments at various
levels shall be under the dual leadership of the people's governments at
the same levels as well as the statistical agencies under the people's
governments at the next higher levels; in terms of statistical work, they
shall be subject mainly to the leadership of the statistical agencies

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1994年11月19日新疆维吾尔自治区第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第十一次会议通过 根据1997年12月11日新疆维吾尔自治区第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过的《新疆维吾尔自治区人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改〈新疆维吾尔自治区产

第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强对产品质量的监督管理,明确产品质量责任,保护用户、消费者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》、《中华人民共和国标准化法》等法律、法规的有关规定,结合自治区实际,制定本条例。
第二条 凡在自治区行政区域内从事产品生产、销售活动,均应遵守本条例。
第三条 各级人民政府应当加强对产品质量监督管理工作的领导,协调产品质量监督管理工作,并为产品质量监督管理工作提供必要的条件。
第四条 自治区推行产品质量奖励制度,鼓励推行科学的质量管理方法,采用先进的科学技术,提高产品质量。对产品质量管理先进和产品质量达到国内外先进水平,成绩显著的单位和个人给予奖励。
第五条 鼓励、支持和保护一切组织和个人对产品质量进行社会监督和舆论监督。对举报属实和协助查处违反产品质量法律、法规行为有功的,给予奖励并为其保密。

第二章 监督管理
第六条 自治区人民政府产品质量监督管理部门负责全区的产品质量监督管理工作,主要职责是:
第七条 县级以上人民政府有关行政主管部门和行业管理部门依照有关法律、法规的规定,在各自职责范围内,督促生产者、销售者依法生产、经营;推行质量认证,加强产品质量管理;按统一计划组织实施产品质量监督检查,协助产品质量监督管理部门查处质量违法案件。
第八条 产品质量监督检查实行监督抽查、统一监督检查、定期监督检查和日常监督检查的制度。
第九条 全区性的监督抽查、统一监督检查、定期监督检查计划,由自治区产品质量监督管理部门统一协调、审批、下达并组织实施;县级以上的监督抽查、统一监督检查、定期监督检查计划,由同级产品质量监督管理部门统一协调,报上一级产品质量监督管理部门批准后实施。
第十条 产品质量监督检查应当防止重复。
第十一条 对流通领域中可能导致严重后果或者可能存在严重质量问题的商品,实行售前报验制度。售前报验商品目录由自治区产品质量监督管理部门会同有关部门编制,报自治区人民政府批准后公布执行。
第十二条 产品质量监督检验的依据是:有关法律、法规,国家标准、行业标准、地方标准或者经备案的企业标准,合同中有关质量的条款和以产品说明、实物样品等方式表明的质量状况,省级以上产品质量监督管理部门批准的质量检验方法或者质量评价规则。
第十三条 产品质量检验机构应当按照规定的程序、检验方法和期限检验产品,出具真实、准确、公正的检验数据和检验结论。
第十四条 产品质量监督抽查不得向被抽查者收取检验费。产品质量监督管理部门所需检验费用由同级财政拨款解决;有关行业管理部门所需检验费用从自有资金中列支。
第十五条 产品质量检验机构必须经自治区产品质量监督管理部门考核合格并颁发证书后,方可承担产品质量检验工作。
第十六条 自治州(地)、市产品质量监督管理部门必要时可以在边民互贸市场、商品批发市场和主要的商品运输集散地组织或派出产品质量监督检查机构,会同有关部门对市场商品质量进行监督检查。
第十七条 对质量体系认证合格企业的产品,产品质量认证合格的产品,可按规定免检。
第十八条 对产品质量进行评价性活动,应当遵循公平、公正、公开的原则,自治区产品质量监督管理部门和有关部门应当进行监督检查,对名不副实的信誉性称号,有权撤销。
第十九条 行政执法人员在进行产品质量监督时,有权行使下列职权:

第三章 责任和义务
第二十条 生产、经销企业应贯彻“质量第一”的方针,加强质量管理,严格产品质量检查制度,保证生产、经销产品的质量。
第二十一条 生产者、销售者禁止生产、销售下列产品:
第二十二条 产品质量达不到规定的标准,但仍具备使用性能并且符合安全、卫生要求的,生产者、销售者应当在产品及其包装的显著位置标明“处理品”、“残次品”、“等外品”等字样方可销售。
第二十三条 在自治区境内生产并用于境内销售的产品,在其包装和说明书上应当使用少数民族、汉文字。
第二十四条 销售者进货时应当执行检查验收制度。属售前报验的产品应当报验。采购人员不得采购本条例第二十一条所列的产品,订立合同时应当有明确的质量标准、验收细则等内容。
第二十五条 销售者销售的进口、出口转内销产品应当符合《产品质量法》第十五条的规定。
第二十六条 销售者售出的产品在质量保证期内发生质量问题、销售者应当负责修理、更换、退货;给用户、消费者造成经济损失的,销售者应当先行赔偿经济损失。属于生产者或者供货者责任的,销售者有权向生产者或者供货者追偿。
第二十七条 展销会的举办者、柜台的出租者对销售的产品质量承担连带责任。
第二十八条 建筑工程的承建方或者建设方,采购、安装、使用本条例第二十一条所列产品的,承担经销者的责任。
第二十九条 印制者承接印刷、制作名优标志、认证标志、防伪标志、商品条码或者含以上所列标识、标志的包装物或者铭牌时,应当查验有关部门出具的批准文件,委托人不能提供的,印制者不得印制。
第三十条 从事产品质量监督管理的行政执法人员必须经过培训考核合格,取得行政执法资格。
第三十一条 质量检验机构及其质量检验人员应当对产品质量检验负责,不得为不合格产品签发合格证,不得篡改或者伪造产品质量检验结论。
第三十二条 产品质量监督管理部门、工商行政管理等部门,对用户、消费者就产品质量的投诉应当及时作出处理,并通知生产者、销售者执行。

第四章 罚 则
第三十三条 生产者生产本条例第二十一条规定禁止生产的产品的,责令停止生产,没收违法生产的产品,没收违法所得,并处以销售收入一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,情节严重的,吊销营业执照,并对责任人员处以二千元以上一万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事
第三十四条 销售者销售本条例第二十一条中第(一)、(二)、(四)项所列禁止销售的产品的,责令停止销售,待售的产品予以没收,已售出的产品责令限期追回并予以没收。
第三十五条 生产者、销售者违反《产品质量法》和本条例有下列行为之一的,责令限期改正,可处以一千元以下罚款。情节严重的,责令停止生产、销售,处以违法所得15%--20%的罚款,并对责任人员处以一千元以上三千元以下的罚款:
第三十六条 生产者、销售者拒绝接受依法实施产品质量监督检查的,予以通报批评。
第三十七条 行政执法人员违反本条例第三十条第二款规定,由其所在单位视情节轻重给予批评教育或者行政处分。
第三十八条 从事产品质量监督管理的国家工作人员,利用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,由其主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十九条 本条例规定的吊销营业执照的行政处罚由工商行政管理部门决定,其他行政处罚由产品质量监督管理部门或者工商行政管理部门按以下职责权限实施:
第四十条 以暴力、威胁方法阻碍从事产品质量监督管理的国家工作人员依法执行公务的,依照《刑法》有关规定追究刑事责任;拒绝、阻碍从事产品质量监督管理的国家工作人员依法执行公务未使用暴力、威胁方法的,由公安机关依照《治安管理处罚条例》的规定处罚。
第四十一条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可依照《产品质量法》第四十六条规定申请复议,也可以向人民法院起诉。当事人逾期不申请复议,也不向人民法院起诉,又不履行处罚决定的,作出处罚决定的机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。
第四十二条 依照本条例收缴的罚、没款和没收物品变价款,上缴同级财政。

第五章 附 则
第四十三条 本条例具体应用中的问题由自治区产品质量监督管理部门负责解释。
第四十四条 本条例自公布之日起施行。













  第一条 为了进一步规范政府投资行为,建立健全科学的政府投资项目管理制度,提高政府投资效益,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》(国发〔2004〕20号)、《甘肃省人民政府关于贯彻落实国务院投资体制改革决定的实施意见》(甘政发〔2005〕50号)和《甘肃省政府投资项目审批和专项资金拨付管理办法》(省政府令第80号)规定,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称政府投资项目,是指全部或部分使用中央预算内投资、省级财政性建设资金、地方政府债券、地方政府性基金以及政府承担偿还或担保责任的国外贷款建设的项目。

  第三条 各级发展改革部门是本行政区域内政府投资项目管理工作的主管部门。工信、财政、水利、交通运输、建设等行政主管部门,在各自的职责范围内履行相应的政府投资项目管理职责。

  第四条 政府投资主要用于社会公益事业、公共基础设施和国家机关建设,改善农村生产生活条件,节约能源、循环经济发展和环境保护,调整和优化产业结构,促进科技进步和高新技术产业化。

  第五条 政府投资根据建设项目的性质和特点,采取直接投资、资本金注入、投资补助、贴息等方式:






  第六条 项目单位根据审批部门已批准的项目建议书或立项文件,办理规划选址、用地预审、环境影响评价、节能审查等审批手续,并委托有资质的单位编制可行性研究报告,履行审批程序。项目单位依据可行性研究报告批复文件,办理规划许可、正式用地等手续。

  第七条 对经济、社会、环境有重大影响或与群众生产生活关系密切的以及国家有特别规定的政府投资项目,应当在项目建议书和可行性研究报告批准后开展后续工作。

  第八条 项目单位应当依据批准的可行性研究报告内容进行初步设计。初步设计概算总投资不得超过批准的可行性研究报告总投资额,确需超过的,应当按程序重新报批可行性研究报告。

  第九条 政府投资项目的可行性研究报告、初步设计由项目审批部门委托有资质的咨询评估机构进行咨询评估或评审;重大项目应当进行专家评议。咨询评估或评审没有通过的,不予审批。

  第十条 政府投资项目根据建设性质、资金来源和投资规模,分别由国家、省级和各地政府主管部门审批项目建议书、可行性研究报告、初步设计及概算。



  1. 对于市州、县市区项目,总投资3000万元及以上且政府投资比例超过50%或者安排政府投资1500万元及以上的项目,由省级投资主管部门审批项目建议书、可行性研究报告、初步设计及概算,并组织竣工验收;上述限额以下的项目,由市州政府投资主管部门审批和管理。

  2. 对于省直部门或单位的建设项目,总投资2000万元及以上且政府投资比例超过50%或者安排政府投资1000万元及以上的项目,由省级投资主管部门审批项目建议书、可行性研究报告、初步设计及概算,并组织竣工验收;上述限额以下的项目,由省直主管部门审批和管理。

  第十一条 项目审批部门要进一步简化审批环节,优化审批工作流程;规划、环保、土地等有关部门要简化程序,加快办理前期手续,提高审批效率。除重大项目或国家另有规定外,可将项目建议书、可行性研究报告、初步设计及概算“三道”审批程序简化为“两道”,项目建议书和可行性研究报告合并审批。

  第十二条 项目审批实行限时办结制。对于符合条件、审批所需材料齐备的,自受理之日起,项目建议书(立项申请)或可行性研究报告审批3个工作日内办结,初步设计及概算审批5个工作日内办结。上述时间不含申请人补充资料延时和咨询评估机构评审时间。对需要报请国家有关部门审批的,由省直对口部门负责跟踪协调衔接,积极争取尽早获批。

  第十三条 政府投资项目实行联合审查制度,由项目主管部门牵头,组织相关部门和专家进行联合审查和评审,科学、合理地确定投资项目。

  第十四条 政府投资项目应当按照“先收尾、后续建、再新开”的时序安排。投资主管部门应会同行业主管部门加强项目管理,统筹安排、合理使用各类政府投资资金,杜绝多头申报、重复安排。

  第十五条 省级预算内基建资金项目,由省级投资主管部门提出项目建议计划,报省政府常务会议审定后下达。

  第十六条 各级政府主管部门根据工程实际进展情况和年度投资计划,及时下达项目投资计划。未经同意,任何单位和个人不得擅自变更政府投资计划。

  第十七条 各级政府有关部门和项目主管部门要加强政府资金管理,确保专款专用,不得挪用、挤占、截留。

  第十八条 按照国家有关规定,政府投资项目应当组建项目法人或选定项目建设管理单位。政府投资的经营性项目实行项目法人责任制;非经营性项目按照国家和省政府有关规定推行代建制。

  第十九条 政府投资项目的勘察设计、施工、监理、设备购置等事项应当依法进行招标投标,并实行合同管理。

  第二十条 政府投资项目要严格按照批准的建设内容、建设标准、投资规模进行建设,不得擅自变更或调整。确因客观条件进行重大变更的,须报原审批部门批准。

  第二十一条 政府投资项目建成后,项目单位应于6个月内完成工程结算和竣工决算,办理相关的财务决算审计、审批等手续,并按规定报政府相关部门组织验收。

  第二十二条 项目单位应当在竣工验收后及时向有关部门办理固定资产移交及产权登记手续。

  第二十三条 政府投资有结余的,项目单位应当在产权登记后及时将结余资金上交投资主管部门、财政部门。投资主管部门可按规定对项目建设单位予以奖励。

  第二十四条 政府投资项目实行稽察特派员制度,对政府投资项目进行全过程独立稽察。稽察报告和处理意见对项目单位和勘察、设计、施工、监理、设备供应单位,有关管理部门具有约束力。

  第二十五条 财政部门对政府投资项目计划安排进行财务监督,对单项工程结算、竣工决算进行投资评审,并批复竣工财务决算。审计机关对政府投资项目的计划下达、资金拨付、财务支出和工程实施等方面进行审计监督。建设部门对工程质量安全进行监督。行政监察机关对涉及政府投资项目的各部门进行行政监察。

  第二十六条 政府投资项目应按照相关规定进行公示。任何单位和个人都有权举报政府投资项目审批、建设和运营管理中的违法违纪行为。

  第二十七条 使用以工代赈、国外贷款等专项资金以及国家另有规定的项目,按照相应规定执行。

  第二十八条 本办法对相关程序和期限未作规定的,按照《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的规定执行。

  第二十九条 各市州人民政府可按照本办法制定相应管理办法。

  第三十条 本办法由省发展改革委负责解释。

  第三十一条 本办法自印发之日起施行。